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Justice Region Discloses No Fisa Courtroom Hearings Held On Carter Page

‘[N]o such hearings were held amongst abide by to the acknowledged FISA applications. Accordingly, no responsive hearing transcripts exist.’
: Judicial Watch today announced that inward answer to a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, the Justice Department (DOJ) admitted inward a court filing in conclusion dark that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court held no hearings on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) spy warrant applications targeting Carter Page, a quondam Trump displace part-time advisor who was the dependent area of 4 controversial FISA warrants.

In the filing the Justice Department finally revealed that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court held no hearings on the Page FISA spy warrants, commencement issued inward 2016 as well as later renewed 3 times:
[National Security Division] FOIA consulted [Office of Intelligence] … to position as well as locate records responsive to [Judicial Watch’s] FOIA request…. [Office of Intelligence] determined … that in that location were no records, electronic or paper, responsive to [Judicial Watch’s] FOIA asking amongst regard to Carter Page. [Office of Intelligence] farther confirmed that the [Foreign Surveillance Court] considered the Page warrant applications based upon written submissions as well as did non check whatever hearings.The Department of Justice previously released to Judicial Watch the heavily redacted Page warrant applications. The initial Page FISA warrant was granted but weeks earlier the 2016 election.

The DOJ filing is inward answer to a Judicial Watch lawsuit for the FISA transcripts (Judicial Watch v. USA Department of Justice (No. 1:18-cv-01050)).

In February, Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee released a memo criticizing the FISA targeting of Carter Page. The memo details how the “minimally corroborated” Clinton-DNC dossier was an essential purpose of the FBI as well as DOJ’s applications for surveillance warrants to spy on Page.

Judicial Watch recently filed a asking amongst the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court seeking the transcripts of all hearings related to the surveillance of Carter Page.

“It is disturbing that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance courts rubber-stamped the Carter Page spy warrants as well as held non 1 hearing on these extraordinary requests to spy on the Trump team,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Perhaps the courtroom tin at 1 time check hearings on how jurist was corrupted past times cloth omissions that Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the DNC, a conflicted Bruce Ohr, a compromised Christopher Steele, as well as anti-Trumper Peter Strzok were all behind the ‘intelligence’ used to persuade the courts to approve the FISA warrants that targeted the Trump team.” [Judicial Watch Report]

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Justice Region Discloses No Fisa Courtroom Hearings Held On Carter Page Reviewed by Saputra on 4:20 AM Rating: 5

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